Export Development

Livestock & Meat Commission

Meat Export Working Group

Since 2014 LMC has participated in a joint industry/DAERA working group which was established in support of the clear commitment by the Northern Ireland meat industry and government to facilitate growth in meat exports.

The DAERA/Industry MEWG provides a forum to:

  • Identify and agree Northern Ireland export priorities and barriers to trade in the red and white meat sectors;
  • Progress joint actions to further trade opportunities with a view to enhancing the economic value of NI agri-food exports;
  • Ensure identified priorities and relevant issues can be raised with Defra;
  • Discuss contingency planning for potential epizootic disease outbreaks to mitigate impact on trade.

Members of this group are drawn from relevant industry representative bodies, other groups with an interest in NI exports of red and white meat and DAERA Veterinary Service Animal Health Group (VSAHG). The group works closely with the UK Export Certification Partnership to ensure that Northern Ireland export priorities and issues are communicated and fully understood at UK government level (as international trade is a reserved matter for which Defra are the lead department in relation to the export of products of animal origin).

For more information and guidance on the export of animals and animal products visit:  Export of animal products | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (daera-ni.gov.uk)

UK Export Certification Partnership (UKECP)

The NI red meat industry is eager to gain greater market access to third countries for potential exports of live cattle and sheep, their meat and other products. The United Kingdom Export Certification Partnership (UKECP) is an industry / government partnership which works to develop export health certification to third countries. LMC provides support to UKECP on behalf of the NI red meat industry.

The aim of the partnership is to overcome two of the most serious obstacles identified in export certification for third country markets:

  • Visiting third country markets for face to face discussions
  • Producing the large number of draft certificates required for new markets as well as amending certificates for existing markets

LMC continus to support the work of the UK Export Certification Partnership (UKECP).  LMC has helped to fund market access work in the USA and the Philippines recently continues to look for opportunities to support the industry in this regard.

Further information about the partnership is available from the following website: www.ukecp.com