LMC engages with Minister Muir at Balmoral Show  

Livestock & Meat Commission May 22, 2024

THE Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) chief executive, Colin Smith, accompanied by LMC chairman, Joe Stewart, welcomed the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Minister, Andrew Muir MLA, to the Commission’s stand at Balmoral Show.

The Commission chief executive, Colin Smith remarked, “The Balmoral Show is widely regarded as the biggest annual agricultural event in Northern Ireland and it was very encouraging to have Minister Muir positively engage with the sector during this event which showcases the very best of our agri-food industry.

“During the course of conversation at the Show Minister Muir had the opportunity to meet some of the LMC team on our stand and we touched briefly on some of the main challenges and opportunities facing the beef and sheep sector at present. Going forward we look forward to engaging with the Minister and welcome opportunities to work with his department and our fellow industry stakeholders as we work for the furtherance of our sector at all levels.”